Solving a problem that a customer encounters is quintessential to a good service organisation. Answering this query in the most efficient manner is often the way that businesses measure their customer service experience. Does this make any sense? Is there some study conducted that I have yet to come across that suggests low handling time correlates to good customer experience?

Is there a business out there than measures true customer handling time? What I mean by this is that I have yet come across a company that truly measures the time it takes a customer to have their issue resolved - and holds themselves accountable to this metric.

True Customer Handling time (CHT) is the time a customer spends in a queue awaiting to be served plus the time they talk to a customer representative plus the time in transfer and the length of the next interaction and so on. Traditionally, AHT is the measure of the talk time and possibly some 'wrap up time'. 

If you are not measuring Customer Handling Time then you are not really focused on the customer. 

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